O-Rings | Seals
Seals and 'O' Rings
OEA Labs has a complete selection of perfect fit seals and O rings in stock for reaction tubes, scrubbing tubes, autosamplers, bimatic valves and gas fittings for most models of elemental analysers.
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O Ring, manifold tube, MAS200R E21649.001E Product No: E21649.001E
O Ring, for EA1106 reduction tube, 290 30331 E21653.010P Product No: E21653.010P
O Ring, for upper 25mm reactor EA1112, 290 20682 E21662.004P Product No: E21662.004P
O Ring, for 6mm Q-fit, EA3000 E21664.001E Product No: E21664.001E
O Ring, Viton®, 05 002 305 E21667.001E Product No: E21667.001E
O Ring, Viton®, Costech 18mm Quick Connect E21667.004P Product No: E21667.004P
O Ring, for PE2400 tubes, 11mm, 0240-1583 E21668.010P Product No: E21668.010P
O Ring, silicone, 03.65-4 814 E21673.001E Product No: E21673.001E
O Ring, silicone, 05.00-0248, S13 ball/cup joints E21674.001E Product No: E21674.001E
O Ring, Viton®, 05.00-0372, ball valve block E21679.001E Product No: E21679.001E
O Ring, Viton® Quick'n'Easy, 11mm E21682.005E Product No: E21682.005E
O Ring, Viton®, Quick'n'Easy, 22mm E21683.005E Product No: E21683.005E
O Ring, Nitrile, Sample Block Upper Piston Seal, 589-551 E21688.001E Product No: E21688.001E
O Ring, Nitrile, Sample Drop Piston Ends, 774-613 E21692.001E Product No: E21692.001E
O Ring, Viton®, Sercon autosampler piston seals E21697.002P Product No: E21697.002P
O Ring, Viton®, Costech autosampler piston seals E21699.003P Product No: E21699.003P
O Ring, Viton®, lid seal, Costech zero blank autosampler E21644.001E Product No: E21644.001E
O Ring, for AS128 cone E21645.001E Product No: E21645.001E
O Ring, Viton®, 5mm OD x 3mm ID E21646.005P Product No: E21646.005P
O Ring, Viton®, 5.5mm OD x 3.5mm ID E21648.005P Product No: E21648.005P
O Ring, for lower 18mm reactor EA1112, 290 20640 E21660.004P Product No: E21660.004P
O Ring, for lower 18mm reactor EA1112, 290 20640 E21660.010P Product No: E21660.010P
O Ring, for upper 25mm reactor EA1112, 290 20682 E21662.010P Product No: E21662.010P
O Ring, Viton®, 05 001 566 E21665.001E Product No: E21665.001E
O Ring, Viton®, 05 002 254 E21669.001E Product No: E21669.001E
O Ring, silicone, 03.65.-4629, ball valve block E21672.001E Product No: E21672.001E
O Ring, Viton® 05.00-0359, U drying tube E21676.001E Product No: E21676.001E
O Ring, Silicone, Reagent/Filter/Lower Comb Tube, 605-828 E21685.001E Product No: E21685.001E
O Ring, Viton®, Sample Drop Piston Side, 774-283 E21691.001E Product No: E21691.001E
O Ring, kalrez, 05.00-1302 E21695.001E Product No: E21695.001E
O Ring, Viton®, Sercon autosampler cylinder seals E21698.003P Product No: E21698.003P
O Ring, front window, AS128, 290 00023 E21702.001E Product No: E21702.001E
O Ring, manifold tube, AS128, 290 00017 E21703.001E Product No: E21703.001E
O Ring, window, MAS200R & PN150 autosamplers, 290 30014 E21704.010P Product No: E21704.010P
O Ring, Viton®, isolation valve middle, Costech ZB autosmpler E21642.001E Product No: E21642.001E
O Ring, Viton®, isolation valve stems, Costech ZB autosampler E21643.001E Product No: E21643.001E