Combustion, Reduction, Pyrolysis & Other Reagents
Accurate results can only be achieved by using the highest grade reagents in your elemental analyser. The unique processing and purification methods that we employ in the preparation of these reagents eliminate the devitrification of our silica reaction tubes allowing the tube to be cooled and removed without hazardous breakage.
OEA Labs' highly efficient combustion reagents ensure complete oxidation and remove halogens, sulphur oxides, and similar interferences where applicable.
High capacity reduction reagents have been developed for complete reduction of the products of reaction and to remove surplus oxygen left from combustion. OEA Labs have enhanced the capacity of these products to the highest performance standards for maximum tube life and economy. They can be confidently used in single or dual tube applications.
EcoDrone Dessicant, 0.85 to 1.7mm, OEA R42050.100G Product No: R42050.100G
Tungstic Oxide Sample Additive, OEA R51130.025G Product No: R51130.025G
Magnesium Perchlorate, granular, Premium, UN 1475, PG II R42020.025G Product No: R42020.025G
Magnesium Perchlorate, granular, Premium, UN 1475, PG II R42020.100G Product No: R42020.100G
Vanadium Pentoxide Sample Additive, UN2862, PGIII R51140.010G Product No: R51140.010G
Silver Vanadate Reagent, granular, 0.85 to 1.7mm, OEA R16100.025G Product No: R16100.025G
Silver Vanadate Reagent, granular, 0.85 to 1.7mm, OEA R16100.100G Product No: R16100.100G
Glassy Carbon Chips, 3 to 4mm, OEA R25010.050G Product No: R25010.050G
Glassy Carbon Chips, 2 to 4mm, OEA R25020.050G Product No: R25020.050G
Glassy Carbon Chips, 2 to 4mm, OEA R25020.100G Product No: R25020.100G
Copper Reduction Reagent, granular, 0.1 to 0.5mm, OEA R36050.500G Product No: R36050.500G
Tungsten Reduction Reagent, 0.5 to 2.0mm R37010.001K Product No: R37010.001K
Soda Lime CO2 Scrubbing Reagent, 1 to 2.5mm, OEA R41000.100G Product No: R41000.100G
Magnesium Perchlorate Flakes Self Indicating, UN 1475, PG II R42010.025G Product No: R42010.025G
Oxidation Catalyst, Pt alumina/copper oxide fine wires, OEA R15000.060G Product No: R15000.060G
Copper Reduction Reagent, High Purity, Wires, 0.5 x 4mm, OEA R32050.100G Product No: R32050.100G
Copper Reduction Reagent, Wires, Coarse, 0.65 x 6mm, OEA R33050.500G Product No: R33050.500G
EMSorb CO2 Scrubbing Reagent, 0.8-2.4mm, UN 1823, PG II R41020.025G Product No: R41020.025G
Silver Tungstate on Magnesium Oxide, 0.85-1.7mm, OEA R15100.100G Product No: R15100.100G
Carbon Nickelised, 10%, OEA R21000.005G Product No: R21000.005G
Glassy Carbon Chips, 2 to 3mm, OEA R25000.050G Product No: R25000.050G
Glassy Carbon Chips, 2 to 3mm, OEA R25000.100G Product No: R25000.100G
Glassy Carbon Chips, 3 to 4mm, OEA R25010.100G Product No: R25010.100G
Copper Reduction Reagent, Wires, Coarse, 0.65 x 6mm, OEA R33050.250G Product No: R33050.250G
Magnesium Perchlorate Flakes, UN 1475, PGII R42000.100G Product No: R42000.100G
Magnesium Perchlorate Flakes Self Indicating, UN 1475, PG II R42010.100G Product No: R42010.100G
Copper Oxide Combustion Reagent, Fine Wires, 0.5x4mm, OEA R13000.025G Product No: R13000.025G
Copper Oxide Combustion Reagent, IsoGrade Fine Wires, OEA R13055.050G Product No: R13055.050G
Copper Oxide Combustion Reagent, Fine Wires, 0.5x4mm, OEA R13000.050G Product No: R13000.050G
Copper Oxide Combustion Reagent, Fine Wires, 0.5x4mm, OEA R13000.100G Product No: R13000.100G
Copper Oxide Combustion Reagent, Fine Wires, 0.5x4mm, OEA R13000.250G Product No: R13000.250G
Platinised Copper Oxide 10%, granular, 0.5 to 1.0mm, OEA R13250.002G Product No: R13250.002G
Tungstic Oxide on Alumina Combustion Reagent, OEA R14050.025G Product No: R14050.025G
Chromium Oxide Combustion Reagent, OEA R11000.025G Product No: R11000.025G
Carbon Nickelised, 20%, OEA R21005.005G Product No: R21005.005G
Chromium Oxide Combustion Reagent, OEA R11000.050G Product No: R11000.050G